Runt Stone

The Runt Stone is a micro sized Rubberlegs, developed by James Spicer. This is one of those flies where you say, "why did I not think of that?" The Rubberlegs is a great pattern and still works great even unchanged. But super technical western tailwaters will always push change. Generally in the sizing down and simplification of already proven flies. This is one of those patterns that is a product of that change. Slimmed down and sized down, this is one deadly stonefly pattern!! Best tied in #14-16, I like to keep them small. You will love this pattern. Very effective and easy to tie! Don't be afraid to try the black and purple variation. It is one of my favorites!!!

Runt Stone Fly Tying Recipe:
Hook: #12-16 Daiichi 1550 or Tiemco 3769
Thread: Olive Veevus 14/0
Tail: Ginger Lifeflex
Body: Olive Brown Micro Velvet Chenille
Legs: Ginger Lifeflex