
The Thin Mint Bugger was developed by stillwater expert Bob Gaviglio of Sunriver Fly Shop all the way back in 1986! The Thin Mint is a wonderful blend of everything a stillwater streamer should be. Multi colored, natural iridescence, with a hint of flash and buggy with a little weight....just what the fish gods are always asking for! This fly is also a person favorite of mine, it is one of my "go to" patterns for everything stillwater. That also includes catching nearly ALL of my largest common carp too! It truly is a must have in your flybox!

Thinmint Fly Tying Recipe:
Hook: #04-10 Tiemco 5263
Thread: Olive UTC 70 or 140
Bead: Black or Gold 7/64” - 1/8” Tungsten Bead
Tail: Olive, Black and Brown Select Strung Marabou
Flash: Pearl Flashabou
Body: Peacock Herl
Rib: Copper or Gold Small Wire and Pearl Flashabou
Hackle: Brown Whiting Rooster Cape