Dave's Hopper
The Dave's Hopper is a favorite "go to" Hopper Pattern for many fly fishers. The high floating properties and life like appearance of the Dave's Hopper, make it one of the best Grasshopper Patterns ever developed. The Dave's Hopper was created by fly tying mastermind Dave Whitlock. The Dave's Hopper is made to be fished in the heat of summer and flopped down near the bank (where hoppers tend to fall or be blown into the river). The Dave's Hopper is a great indicator for the "Hopper Dropper" technique and is extremely deadly on hungry trout. The Dave's Hopper can be tied in many variations and colors. The more "Natural" Tan color (tied in this video) is one of the more popular colors, but it can also be tied in Olive. Give the Dave's Hopper a try! It is a must have in any trout box!
Dave's Hopper Fly Tying Recipe:
Hook: Tiemco 5262 #08-12
Thread: Tan UTC 140
Tail: Red Strung Neck Hackle
Body: Yellow McFlylon
Hackle: Brown Whiting Rooster Cape
Wing: Mottled Turkey Wing
Legs: Pheasant Tail
Collar: Deer Hair
Head: Deer Hair